OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development
Open Access Journal
(ISSN 1923 - 6654 (print) , 1923 - 6662 (online)
Henri R. Pallard, Ph.D.
(Executive Editor / Editor-in-Chief)
Director, International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Law
Emeritus Professor Law and Justice
Laurentian University
935, Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury
Ontario, P3E 2C6
Christopher Isike, Ph.D.
Professor of African Politics and International Relations
Department of Political Sciences
21 - 2, Floor 21, Humanities Building
University of Pretoria,
Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028,
South Africa
Mohshin Habib, Ph.D.
Former Senior Lecturer, Department of Leadership and Management
Director, Post Graduate Program in International Business,
Faculty of Business and Enterprise
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 Hawthorn (Mail No. H23), Victoria 3122
Stamatios Tzitzis, Ph.D
Institut of Criminology,
University of Paris II,
Maria Protopapa-Marneli , Ph.D.
Academy of Athens,
Li Wanxian, Ph.D.
Hebei University of Economics and Business
Shijiazhuang 050061
Neville Hewage, Ph.D.
(Managing Editor)
Former Adjunct Professor and Research Fellow
International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Law (ICIRL)
Laurentian University
935, Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury
Ontario, P3E 2C6
Kooi Guan (Steven) Cheah, Ph.D.
Retired Professor Economics,
Faculty, Economics Department,
School of Business,
Kwantlen Polytechnic University,
Surrey, British Columbia,
Masudur Rahman, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Nord University,
Manuel Juan Pelaez Albendea, Ph.D.
University of Malaga,
Paulo Ferreira Da Cunha. Ph.D.
University of Porto,
Viacheslav Rudnev, Ph.D.
Senior research fellow.
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
Russian Academy of Sciences
Hassan Abdelhamid, Ph.D.
Dean, Faculty of Law
British University in Egypt
El Sherouk City, Cairo
To access Journal please click here
Available on
URL: https://www.ssrn.com/index.cfm/en/oida-intl-journal-sustainable-dev/
OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development is hosted by Social Science
Research Network (SSRN), a publishing platform for academic journals.
You also can access journal here
The journal is a forum presenting high-quality research in both social and applied science to a broad audience of communities working in international development. The
articles will appeal to social and applied scientists, both inside and outside academia, as well as non specialists. In addition, the OIDA International Journal of
Sustainable Development publishes specially-commissioned feature articles and the proceedings of papers presented at its International Conference on Sustainable
Development which focuses on the synthesis and integration of applied research and its application to future research agendas.
International Conference on Sustainable Development
The International Conference on Sustainable Development is jointly presented by the Ontario International Development Agency (OIDA) and the International Centre for
Interdisciplinary Research in Law (ICIRL) at Laurentian University in Canada.
Ontario International Development Agency (OIDA) and International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Law (ICIRL) will connect with host country partner as a
knowledge hub to organize the International Conference on Sustainable Development. The conference is providing an inter-disciplinary forum on global sustainable
development for practitioners and academics. The Conference is serving as a forum to foster dialogue among various stakeholders, including senior level policy makers,
academics, and practitioners.
The conference also proposes multidisciplinary strategies for economic, socio-political, cultural, and institutional changes. The conference aims to exchange and share
all stakeholders' experiences and research results about all aspects of sustainable human and social development, and discuss the practical challenges encountered
and the solutions adopted. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and apply experiences face to face, to establish business or
research relations, and to find global partners for future collaboration
The Agency's objective is to provide rapid, worldwide distribution of research to authors and their readers and to facilitate communication among them at the lowest
possible cost.
Publishing platform
The Agency has established a "partner in publishing" with Social Science Research Network, (SSRN) USA . OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development is
hosted by Social Science Research Network (SSRN), a publishing platform for academic journals.
Publisher: Ontario International Development Agency, Canada.
All Accepted papers will be indexed in SCOPUS, DOAJ, SSRN, ZDB, SUDOC, FATCAT and AMICUS, Library and Archives Canada's database to, ensure its
permanent preservation for present and future generations.
Note: Please refer to the Titles on SCOPUS and download the Titles on SCOPUS from the Source Title list in the xlsx file. Please search under the SCOPUS
Sources tab for the keyword OIDA.
SCOPUS Record ID: 21101260637
Publication Frequency
12 issues per year
Submission Procedure
Authors are invited to submit papers directly to the Journal or respective conference. In both cases, abstracts or extended abstract must submit in editable format (.doc
and .docx) and shuould send via e-mail to oida@ontariointernational.org with a submission form.
Please download submission form here .
The authours do not have steady Internet access may submit via email oida@ontariointernational.org with corresponding reference number
The authors who submitted papers for the conference do not need to re-submit same for the journal. All conference papers will automatically be considered for journal
publication. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to
conference, contributions, and readability. The full paper submissions will be chosen based on technical merit, interest, applicability, and how well they fit a coherent
and balanced technical program. The accepted abstracts of full papers will be published in the refereed conference proceedings. Prospective authors are kindly
invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. The References should follow APA format.
All submitted papers will have opportunities for consideration. The selection will be carried out during the review process as well as at the conference presentation
stage if the paper is accepted for the conference proceedings. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by any other journal or publication. The final
decision will be made based on peer review reports. Please note, it is not necessary to submit a paper for the conference. If you do not wish to attend the conference,
you may directly submitted the paper to the Journal.
Publication cost
While the peer-reviewed OIDA journal is accessible online without cost to readers, it is not costless to produce. The papers are available to all users at no charge and
links to the full text can be found in the SSRN eLibrary. Achieving open and easy access to modern research via online will require new cost recovery models and
financing mechanisms. The publication of a high quality online journal is a very expensive operation. In addition to all the fixed costs usually associated with print
journal publishing (reviewing, editing, data processing, printing, and distribution), there are costs associated with online publication (including software development
costs, hosting, and user support). The scientific research community considers author charges as a viable way of covering publication costs.
Special Note about Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a very real problem in the scholarly research community. Internet plagiarism is an epidemic since it is readily available and can be found in every corner.
If you submit plagiarized content even without your intention, you not only commit an injustice against the original researchers, but you can severely damage your
reputation and be subject to legal ramifications. Now, with the click of a button, OIDA can upload a submission for comparison with content from more than 21,000
journals to ensure articles you send are original work. ScholarOne’s plagiarism checking feature makes it easy to protect the OIDA journal from publishing plagiarized
content. OIDA submits your paper (s) to ScholarOne and ScholarOne’s plagiarism protection service to avoid publishing plagiarized contents.
OIDA is working with ScholarOne and ScholarOne’s plagiarism protection service lets us quickly and easily submit a manuscript to iThenticate directly from our
ScholarOne Manuscripts site. Customized to our workflow, OIDA can set role-by-role submission rights and access the iThenticate link anywhere in the review
process. OIDA can also pre-define similarity index thresholds, automatically triggering an email when this meets or exceeds our set value. This notification can be
configured to be delivered to anyone. OIDA is also working with CrossRef. CrossRef is an industry-leading non-profit association providing comparison services to
help journals ensure only original content is published. When your manuscript is uploaded to the CrossCheck database for verification, it is compared to all other
articles in their database using iThenticate technology. In less than a minute, OIDA get a full report of the manuscript’s similarity to all others in the system. This
Overall Similarity Index Percentage lets us quickly and easily see how unique the content of the submission is. OIDA can make decisions based on this score or drill
down further to see the exact phrases and language matches, allowing us to determine if similarities are because of commonly used phrases within the field or if the
author likely borrowed another author’s work.
ScholarOne, a Thomson Reuters Business, provides comprehensive workflow management systems for scholarly journals, books, and conferences. Its Web-based
application enables publishers to manage the submission, peer review, production, and publication processes more efficiently, increasing their profile among authors,
decreasing time-to-market for critical scientific data, and lowering infrastructure costs. ScholarOne offers workflow solutions for the submission and review of
manuscripts, abstracts, proceedings and production. Supporting over 365 societies and publishers, over 3,400 books and journals, and 13 million users, ScholarOne
is the industry leader. ScholarOne cannot be wrong. OIDA will not publish any plagiarized contents with any paper until it meets the journal standards and/or it may be
subjected to complete rejection and/or a publishing embargo may be enforced for up to 20 years on the journal.
Paper Acceptance
You will receive the admission decision or paper/abstract acceptance within 5 days (in most cases), after your application or abstract/paper has been received.
Extended Abstract writing guide
To be considered for review, an extended abstract must include:
(a) A working title that clearly identifies the conference objectives being addressed
(b) A statement of the empirical or theoretical concern
(c) A short summary locating the concern within a wider literature
(d) A concise account of the empirical or theoretical methodological approach
(e) The main arguments of the paper and an indication of the supporting evidence
(f) A statement of the main conclusions and their relevance to an international audience
The extended abstract should be approximately 600 words in length, but no less than 400 or more than 800 words. Abstracts are not meeting these requirements, will
not be accepted.
Manuscript Format and Style (Writing Guide)
Title and Authorship Information
The following information should be included
Paper title
Author and all co-authour(s) names
Full institutional mailing addresses
e-mail addresses of author and all co-authors
When submitting manuscripts for potential publication in the conference proceedings, please submit an original editable file in one of the (.doc, .docx,) style files. All
figures, images, tables, etc., should be embedded into the original file. All submitted full text articles should report original, previously unpublished research results and
must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Detailed instructions on preparing papers for submission can be found in the Paper submission instructions.
Abstract: The manuscript should contain an abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and citation-free.
Keywords: Add about four key words or phrases in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
Introduction: This section should be succinct, with no subheadings.
Acknowledgments: All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the manuscript before the references and may include supporting grants,
presentations, and so forth.
References: Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. All references must be numbered consecutively
and citations of in text references should be identified using numbers in square brackets (e.g., “as discussed by Smith [9]”; “as discussed elsewhere [9, 10]”). All
references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed. All references should follow APA format.
Preparation of Figures: Each figure should be embedded in the electronic manuscript file. All figures should be cited in the manuscript in a consecutive order. Each
figure is subject to resizing to fit into the column's width of or the full text width for consistency and clarity.
Preparation of Tables: Tables should be cited consecutively in the text. Every table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units
should be included in the column heading. Vertical rules should not be used.
Proofs and Reprints: Corrected proofs must be returned to the publisher within 7 days of receipt. The publisher will do everything possible to ensure prompt
The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, and so forth in this publication, even if not specifically identified, does not imply that these names are
not protected by the relevant laws and regulations.
Summary of General Submission Guidelines - Extended Abstract
Avoid duplicate submissions. If you send it by e-mail, DO NOT also mail a hard copy. Only word documents (.doc and .docx file format) are accepted.
Complete your submission by the deadline.
Provide required information such as name, contact information
Comply with the abstract size limitation. (The abstract should be approximately 600 words in length, but no less than 400 or more than 800 words)
Omit graphics, attachments, or other additional information. Abstract submissions are limited to text only, unless the topic is Research. No graphics or
Extended abstracts for Research papers
Extended abstracts should be a maximum of four pages in length, containing no more than two pages of text and two pages of data in the form of charts or graphs.
Review submission confirmation messages
A confirming e-mail will be sent you. If you have questions or problems with your submission, please contact us.
Membership in OIDA is not a requirement for presentation or journal paper submission.
Individuals or organizations may submit as many abstracts or papers as they choose, but each abstract can only be submitted in one topic area. If more than one
abstract is submitted on different aspects of an individual project, the project may be selected more than once for presentation. In all cases, organizers will contact to
confirm their availability to make the presentation.
Submission Topics
The OIDA International Conference on Sustainable Development will bring together leading researchers and practitioner with interest in sustainable social and human
development around the world. Brief guide to submission topics, can be found here. (pdf)
Current Fee Structure
Note: There is no submission fee. Publication fees are payable for articles upon acceptance.
OIDA funded projects (usually 85% papers on the journal are from OIDA funded projects) - Free
Letter to the Editor and invited articles - Free
OIDA Conference paper (cost covered by Conference - Free
Regular papers, short papers and short research commentaries - US $ 600.00
Order a print issue - Canada and USA (includes shipping) - US $ 50.00
Order a print issue - International (Includes shipping) - US $ 70.00
Order a electronic copy of issue in pdf format - Free
Payment Procedure
You can make payments using Paypal, by VISA, MASTERCARD, American Express directly through the secure OIDA online store. You have options to pay either via
Paypal or directly from your credit card. Please click below and select appropriate option.
Your credit card will indicate payment as "ONTARIOINTE"
By Wire Transfer - Note: Authours must submit their corresponding reference number with wire transfer. (Most preferred method)
Bank Name
Bank Address
Findlay Creek Banking Centre
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
4756 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1T 0K8, Canada.
Payable to (Beneficiary)
Ontario International Development Agency
Bank Identification Number (Code)
Branch (Code) Transit Number
Beneficiary Account number
Bank Identifier (Swift Code):
Mailing Address
Ontario International Development Agency
2581 River Mist Road
Ottawa, Ontario, K2J 6G1
By Western Union
You may required prior approval from secretariat, Ontario International Development Agency (OIDA). Please contact OIDA for more details. Please
do not send money without prior approval.
By Bank Drafts
Bank draft should be payable to "Ontario International Development Agency"
Mailing Address:
Ontario International Development Agency
2581 River Mist Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K2J 6G1,
If you require more information, please contact our office.
Managing Editor
Publication Division
Ontario International Development Agency
2581 River Mist Road
Ontario, K2J 6G1
Tel: + 1 613 612 7615
e-mail: oida@ontariointernational.org
website: www.ontariointernational.org
OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development
Article Processing Fee
Canada & USA Shipping
International Shipping
US$ 600.00